Thursday, July 8, 2010
I know I’ve disappeared for, well, forever. This year’s been stressful, more stressful than I’d thought. I thought once I was only working in emergency (no more gen med or ortho, thank God!!), everything would be okay. But it didn't work out quite how I'd planned.
At the beginning of this year I think I was pushing myself too hard, trying to achieve so much so quickly. It’s been rough, not meeting my own expectations, and then having to reassess.
But I've realised something big today - everything's going to be okay.
I’ve been so stressed about all aspects of my life at one point or another, but I just need to fricking let go and just let things happen when they happen.
I only have one subject to go, and hopefully that means I’ll have finished my primary exams by the end of this year, but if I don’t it’s okay (although certainly not ideal!). After exams is a research project, and the department I work in likes us to get on with it. But if I need to take some time out that’s okay too.
I feel like I'm always planning for the future instead of living in the present, and have been since medical school. But I can do a bit of both! And maybe start enjoying both my personal and work life a bit more! Hell, I’m even enjoying studying more!!
Um, but only just :P
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