Saturday, January 16, 2010


Hrm, my posting has been quite sporadic… Probably not entirely surprising considering my work schedule and the fact that I’m supposed to be studying for exams.

I don’t have a very reflective nature. Part of starting this blog was to get me thinking about things, and to maybe come up with a way to express or work through some of the things I encounter. For the most part I just roll with things, but there are still a lot of joys and frustrations that I experience. I find myself in some very odd situations, or listening to some very odd stories from people with lives so wholly removed from my own experiences.

I’ve seen a few people reflecting on the end of the decade. It made me think (briefly!) about how far I’ve come in that period of time. 10 years ago I’d just hung up my high school uniform and was excited to be heading off to start uni. I had a few friends from high school heading to the same course and I was looking forward to freedom, fun and figuring out what I wanted to do with my life. Medicine was a background thought but I figured I’d see where life took me.

Now, I’ve progressed in my career. I’m no longer a resident (no more ward call, thank goodness!!), and I’m working towards being an emergency doc. My relationship with emergency medicine has its ups and downs. Sometimes the crap patients get me down. The entitled ones who present with a chronic problem and expect miracles. The aggressive patients who make me feel as though my safety is threatened while I try to help them. The people who present asking for help then tell me to get stuffed when I suggest treatment.

But then there are the people who I begin counselling through their miscarriage. There are people who lay in the trauma bay scared and crying, who I can comfort and help. There are people who I can reassure and send home. There are people in unfortunate circumstances with fascinating physiology.

Last night as I was examining a very polite ex-con it occurred to me that I would never have imagined things would quite have ended up like this. I’m tougher than I thought. Life has its ups and downs but I’m happy with where I am. And where I think I’m headed. But I’ll continue to see where life takes me.

Hopefully to Paris somewhere along the line though! :)


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